Channel: Carmen Di Luccio – Collective Evolution
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Full Moon In Aries: Self-Interests Versus Considerations


There will be a Full Moon in Aries on October 5 at 6:40pm Universal Time. This marks the peak of the current lunar cycle, which started on September 20. During Full Moons, we experience a push-pull between two opposite signs, in this case the Moon in Aries and the Sun in Libra.

The Aries-Libra polarity has been somewhat of a theme since late last year, when Jupiter and Uranus began their opposition in those signs, which is currently concluding during the week of this Full Moon. We can look at this period as a sort of a finalization of this energy, which has been playing out throughout much of the year and especially in recent months.

Aries is about our self-interests, independence, pioneering, and leading. It can be impulsive and take bold action without much consideration. Libra, on the other hand, is about balance, fairness, relating, and overall relationship interests. Consideration of others interests, needs, and perspectives is what Libra does but it can also be indecisive and lack action.

This Full Moon is bringing these two sides to the forefront, and with Uranus and Jupiter’s opposition finishing up in the backdrop, the developments of this polarity playing out carry extra significance. Uranus’ influence in Aries brings themes of freedom, authenticity, innovation, revolution, and even rebellion to the table and also really emphasizes the independent side of Aries. While Jupiter can represent freedom as well, it is also wanting to expand and grow in relationships, partnerships, and bringing in balance. We may feel these sides at odds with each other, but we may also find a way to bring cooperation.

Venus Joining Mars While in a Square With Saturn, Full Moon Square Pluto

Interestingly, Mars and Venus, the rulers of Aries and Libra, are joining together in a conjunction in Virgo within a few hours of the peak of this Full Moon. This could signify and foster a ‘coming together’ of both sides, either related to our relationships or in other aspects of our lives. With Mercury also in Libra joining the Sun, communication and diplomacy is key as well as thinking in a way that is balanced, considerate, and with the details in mind.

However, we need to also consider that Saturn is in a square with Venus and Mars while Pluto is in a t-square with this Full Moon. In some cases a coming together and finding middle ground could work and really serve our evolution with its challenges and responsibilities, but in other cases it may not work due to restrictions or limitations.

Pluto in the equation can also bring power struggles, or there may be hidden matters involved in as well. However, considering that Pluto is in Capricorn and Saturn is involved too, this can be good for business matters. A lot of this energy will play out from late October 7 until October 12, especially on the 8th and 9th.

Jupiter Going Into Scorpio Until November 2018

Jupiter stays in a sign for about 13 months and has been in Libra since last September. On October 10 it will enter Scorpio, which last occurred in late October 2005 until late November 2006. It would be good to see what was going on in your life then related to Jupiter themes to give you an idea of how it can play out. However, keep in mind that the astrological energies are still different overall, but similar themes and areas of development could occur, as they will be touching the same area of your specific birth chart.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, growth, the search for truth, exploration, travel, experience, and luck, but can also be about ‘overdoing’ as well. It brings this to Scorpio, the sign of depth, transformation, power, deep bonding, shared resources, and sex. Scorpio is associated with things that are hidden and therefore topics like astrology or the occult fall under this realm, as do secrets. Negative associations of this sign include the underworld, death, destruction, darkness, and manipulation.

Things to Consider During This Period

Which of your interests are important to you and is it possible to work on them while still considering the needs and/or responsibilities of your relationships? What details need to be considered? What needs to be communicated? What new approach do you need to take in your relationships or partnerships? What has come up in your life over the last few months and how should you take that into consideration?

If you decide to use this energy to intentionally release something from your life, it is best to start that when the Moon starts to wane after the peak of the Full Moon, or even over the following two weeks. The exact moment of the peak will be at 6:40pm Universal Time on October 5. You can click here to see what that is for your time zone.

astrology, astrology readings, carmen di luccio

Looking for more insight on how this period is affecting you? Or perhaps looking to better understand your life and its potentials? Get a personalized astrology reading with Carmen (author of this article) specific to you based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information or to order. You can also FOLLOW ME on Instagram for more astrology related content.


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