We are having a Total Solar Eclipse in Leo on Monday, August 21st in the Western world, and in the early hours of August 22nd in the East. This eclipse has been dubbed ‘The Great American Eclipse’ as its pathway of totality will be cutting across the US from coast to coast. The peak of this eclipse and the exact moment of the New Moon will be at 6:30pm Universal Time, although the start and peak times of when the eclipse is visible depends on your location.
This eclipse will be visible throughout North America, Central America, and in the Northern part of South America, as well as part of Western Europe and the west coast of Africa. However, it would be visible only as a partial eclipse unless you are on the pathway of totality which travels through parts of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, and most of South Carolina.
If you are located on the path of totality, you may be able to see Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Venus (in that order) in the dark sky as the Sun is completely covered. This will be a great sight to see if the conditions are right. Also, it’s very important to keep in mind that no matter where you are viewing the eclipse, make sure to be wearing certified viewing glasses when looking at the Sun as your eyes can damage without them.
Solar Eclipses are like a supercharged New Moon which occur every 6 months. They happen back to back with a Lunar Eclipse which is a supercharged Full Moon. Eclipse periods coincide with endings and beginnings and in some cases can feel like starting a whole new chapter depending on how they are influencing your natal astrology chart.
They can be a bit of a ‘wild card’ sometimes. The energies are strongest within a month of occurring which is when related events or circumstances may transpire. However, the effects of eclipses can still manifest over the following 6 months and gradually leading up to it.
In the lead up to this, we had a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Its energies signify changes around our friendships, associates, colleagues, groups, teams, or some sort of collective. It could even have to do with how we express ourselves in these dynamics, and also potentially lead to new growth in relationships and partnerships.
We started Mercury retrograde in Virgo on August 12th/13th which will last until Septeber 5th/6th when it will be in late Leo. Mercury Retrograde is a time of adjustments, insights, revisitation, and reorientation. The fact that this one is coinciding with eclipse season really emphasizes significant changes occurring between late July and late September, especially in the 2-3 weeks following this Solar Eclipse.
I also previously wrote an article covering this eclipse from a geopolitical perspective, and more specifically what is going on in the US and with Donald Trump, which you can read here.
Total Solar Eclipse Near North Node Is A Strong Significator Of New Beginnings
Solar Eclipses always occur when there is a New Moon near one of the two Lunar Nodes, which in this case it is the North Node. The Nodes are where the pathway of the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic which is the pathway of the Sun from our (geocentric) perspective. The closer a New Moon is to a Node, the more totality/coverage the Moon will have in blocking the Sun making it more astrologically significant as far as changes are concerned. The other Lunar Node, known as the South Node, is always on the opposite side and sign as its counterpart.
The Nodes are an important thing to look at when considering eclipses. The North Node (in Leo) is about the future and where our evolutionary potential is at this time. The South Node (in Aquarius) is about the past and what potentially could be holding us back if expressed in a way that is inhibiting what the North Node is calling for. They entered the Leo-Aquarius axis on May 9th and will stay there until November 6th, 2018 extending those themes until then.
The last Lunar Eclipse (mentioned above) we had a few weeks prior triggered and initiated the Aquarian South Node side of this process. However, considering that this one in Leo is a North Node Solar Eclipse in totality, and the previous one was a partial Lunar Eclipse, the new beginnings surrounding the Leo energy are much stronger than potential endings signified by the Aquarian side of the polarity. It is probable that some of the developments and changes indicated by the previous eclipse could be directly connected with some of the new beginnings indicated by this Solar Eclipse.
Solar Eclipse In Leo Aligned With Regulus and Trine Uranus
Leo is ruled by the Sun and it is the sign of the creator, the performer, the leader, and the superstar. It is about love and heart centred self-expression, whether that is in our creative efforts, joyful activities, or in relationships. Leo is passionate, inspired, and inspiring, which is what earns Leo natives the spotlight they may crave. Leo is also associated with children and has childlike and playful qualities. Expressed negatively, Leo energy can be demanding of attention, egotistical, arrogant, and get too caught up in drama.
The energy of this sign can be expressed in different ways and areas of your life depending on how it is interacting with your natal astrology chart and the types of things that you do. For example; the Leo ‘performer’ theme may be expressed in the arts or in sports, or perhaps you are taking on a leadership role in your workplace, maybe children coming into your life somehow, or maybe you are doing something new regarding a hobby. These are just some examples of how this can play out, but many more potentials of its expression can exist related to the above mentioned themes.
This Solar Eclipse is aligned with Regulus, which is the brightest star that is closest to the Sun’s pathway (ecliptic). It is the ‘heart of Lion’ of the Leo constellation, which emphasizes some of the themes mentioned above. Traditionally it has been referred to as the ‘star of kings’ as part of which highlights the superstar potentials of Leo energy and could also suggest a theme of being the king/queen of our world. A negative expression of Regulus can be seeking revenge and going to war.
Uranus is in a very tight harmonious trine with this Regulus aligned Solar Eclipse. Uranus can bring excitement, innovation, revolution, authenticity, freedom, and the sparks of intuition and inspiration that could lead to revolutionary developments in our lives. It likes to challenge the status quo, take a more progressive approach, and could also be rebellious. Uranus also strongly emphasizes the new beginnings of this Solar Eclipse.
This eclipse is also separating from a quincunx aspect with Chiron which will be finishing a square with Saturn in the Fall. Although this eclipse can make us more bold and potentially have a liberating effect, there may be challenges and required adjustments when trying to incorporate the Leo energy while addressing our blocks, wounds, or emotional patterns. This theme could also come up from mid October until mid November at times in which we could go beyond some of these challenges if we apply discipline.
Mars conjunct the North Node in Harmonious Aspects with Jupiter and Saturn Going Direct
Mars is also in Leo not too far from where this eclipse is occurring, however it is much closer to the North Node making it a key planet to look at in consideration of the future. Mars is the planet of assertiveness, action, and desires. In Leo it likes to do things in a ‘grand’ way and with passion. This is about applying your drive and being active towards all of the Leo themes mentioned above in consideration of the future and your evolution.
Saturn and Jupiter, which both have opposing qualities, are making a harmonious sextile with each other and with Mars involved as well. This energy is strong during the first 2 weeks following this eclipse, especially after the 25th when Saturn finishes its retrograde.
Saturn is about commitment, structure, discipline, work, responsibilities, caution, and being realistic. Jupiter is about expansion, the big picture, growth, freedom, learning/teaching, morals, beliefs, travel, or anything to do with broadening your horizons. These two planets in a sextile with each other shows that these two energies are working in a compatible way and helps to provide balance between them.
For example, perhaps there is a theme of committing to, solidifying, or building towards something that can be expansive for you. It could also mean being able to more easily exercise caution while applying yourself in growing towards your goals. For some, it may be about moving forward with a realistic perspective or perhaps better defined beliefs, morals, or ideology.
This can also be good for commitments around relationships and partnerships considering Jupiter is in Libra. However, considering all of the Uranus energy at this time, partnerships and relationships will work best when there is something Uranian about it which could be exciting, electric, innovative, involve technology, or provide some sense of freedom.
Things To Consider and Setting Intentions
The last time an eclipse happened at this location of the zodiac was in August of 1998. In 1999 we also had an eclipse belonging to the same ‘Saros Series’ as this one. Depending on your age, it can be good to look at what has happened in your life during those years, especially in the second half of 1998. Some of the same themes that occurred then will manifest now, but in a different way as the overall astrology now is not the same as it was then.
Many of the themes related to this eclipse will be strongly activated during the first week or so of September. This is when Mercury ends its retrograde (September 5th) and stations forward at the same spot where this eclipse is occurring, all while in a trine with Uranus. At that time there can be new developments, and potentially surprises, that will help us in how we can proceed forward in our new beginnings.
What is your heart telling you to create at this time? What steps can you take to help you in fulfilling your passions? What possibilities out there currently excite you and perhaps make you feel more free? What is getting in the way of you expressing your heart more? In what area of your life do you need to be the King, Queen, or Superstar? How can you express yourself in ways that are more innovative, authentic and reflective of who you truly are?
These are some examples of what to reflect on during this eclipse and even more so in the coming weeks. If you wish to do your New Moon intentions for this eclipse, it is best to make them within the following 24 hours, as close to the New Moon/Eclipse as possible. You can click here to see what that is for your time zone. If you wish to know the times and specifics around viewing the eclipse in your region, you can find that here.
Looking for more insight and a better understanding on how this eclipse season is affecting you? Get a personalized astrology reading with Carmen (author of this article) specific to you based on your exact birth date, time, and location. Click here for more information or to order. You can also FOLLOW ME on Instagram for more astrology related content.